Performance Improvement Plan
To: James K. Duvall
From: Bridget Striker
Date; 1 September 2009
Subject: Performance Improvement Plan
During the past two months, it has become increasingly evident to me that you have not been performing your assigned work in accordance with what is expected of a Local History Associate. On July 6, you were coached about your unacceptable behavior within a team environment. BCPL values you as an employee, and it is my intent to make you fully aware of this situation and to assist you in improving your work performance. However, it is important that you realize the responsibility to improve is yours alone. The Local History Department functions as a team, where all staff members are as equally valuable to the department within their assigned roles. It is expected that all staff members treat one another with common courtesy and professional respect. To that end, you are being placed on a written improvement plan. For the next 60 days to October 31, 2009, your work will be closely monitored by me. You must demonstrate immediate improvement in the following areas: A cooperative attitude is necessary in a team environment to promote successful interactions. You must maintain a professional demeanor in the workplace that exemplifies a team attitude, whether in a meeting or with one to one interaction. Your behavior needs to show professional respect to all staff members regardless of their education or skill set. In addition, develop communication skills to both give and recieve productive discussions that demonstrate goodwill. I will review your progress on each of the above behaviors requiring improvement on an ongoing basis and at weekly HAT meetings. I trust in so doing, I can guide you into becoming a contributing employee of BCPL. Improvement must occur immediately and must be maintained. If any portion of this improvement plan is violated at any time during the specified timeframe, disciplinary action to include separation from the organization may occur. A decrease in performance after successfully completing the improvement plan may result in being dismissed from Boone County Public Library without the issuance of another warning or improvement plan. As always, we are available for you to discuss any concerns.
Your signature acknowledges this discussion. It does not indicate agreement or disagreement with this plan.
Employee Signature: [Not signed]
Bridget Striker Supervisor Signature [Signed] 9/3/2009
Sherri Slavey HR Manager Signature [Signed] 9/3/09
Typed from the paper copy provided by Sherri Slavey on 3 September 2009.
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Thank you for your interest. James Duvall, M. A.